Heating a Swimming Pool For Free
One of the major challenges that most new pool owners encounter is the high cost of heating a swimming pool. This is especially for those that use gas or electricity to heat their pool. Ultimately, they resort to turning off their heating system for most of the day as a way of reducing cost, only to incur even higher costs of retreating and reheating the water.
Here are a few cost-effective ways to heat your swimming pool:
Use a Solar Cover
One of the leading causes of heat loss in a pool is evaporation. When the pool gets exposed to the sun and wind, the warm water rises and evaporates into thin air. This occurs during the day when the sun is scorching. When that happens, you end up adding cold water to fill the pool, lowering the temperatures of the swimming pool.
A solar cover acts as a shield, absorbing the solar heat and thus reducing evaporation. It also works as a warmer since most of the heat gets retained in the pool. Though the cost of purchasing a solar cover may be high depending on the size of your pool, the cost of reheating your pool is much more.
Invest in Solar Sun Rings
Solar sun rings are an alternative to using solar covers as a way of heating your pool. Solar rings are like a solar cover divided into smaller rings or connectable circles. They are easier to use as well as cheaper compared to purchasing a solar cover. Like the solar cover, they protect your pool from losing water through evaporation and also help in retaining heat.
Use a Windproof Pool Enclosure
If you live in a windy area, consider building a windproof pool enclosure. When the wind blows on the water’s surface, it creates waves and ripples, which cause great heat loss via evaporation. Note that having a flat pool reduces the chances of heat loss due to its small surface area.
Having a windproof enclosure ensures that your swimming pool is safe from wind and thus reduces heat loss. In addition, it makes the pool accessible in whichever weather condition, be it rain or shine.
Use a Black Hose
If you’re wondering how to heat a swimming pool for free, consider using the black hose trick. It captures the sun’s energy and retains heat. This is because a dark color absorbs heat, warming up your pool water naturally.
Use a Liquid Solar Cover
A liquid solar cover acts as a barrier to your pool, reducing water loss via evaporation like the regular pool covers. But, this cover is light and invisible to the eye. It is non-toxic and eco-safe. To use the liquid cover, you simply pour it into the pool at a specific rate depending on the size of your pool. It creates a thick layer of water, reducing the rate of evaporation.
Heat a Swimming Pool For Free
Therefore, if you’re looking for ways to heat your swimming pool for free, consider using any of the above tips in addition to using a pool heat pump and solar panels. For more information on pool maintenance, feel free to contact pool experts from Skovish Pools & Spas.
We hope we have helped you a bit with how to heat a swimming pool for free. Heating a pool in Luzerne County, Monroe County, Lackawanna County, Carbon County, Sullivan County, Columbia County, Montour County, and Wyoming County PA can be less costly than you think.