You may think you know everything about pool-cleaning, but there are some surprising hacks that can save you the time associated with it. And the less time you spend cleaning your pool, the more time you can spend enjoying it!
A clothes case
Most of us know to use the pool in a bathing suit. But sometimes, you get a guest who thinks it’s okay to dive in with their T-shirt on, or your son wears regular trunks in the water instead of ones made just for swimming. The problem is that the textiles and chemicals in clothing can turn pool water cloudy over time. Make it clear (nicely, of course) that swimsuits are de rigueur in your pool!
Don’t let it bug you
Ugh – is there anything more disgusting than dead insects in the pool? But don’t despair – it turns out a fast way to clean out bugs is not to let them in the pool in the first place! By planting flowers and foliage they despise (like lemongrass, lavender and peppermint) around the pool, you’ll enjoy an insect-free swimming experience!
The sun ain’t the only thing that bakes
Baking soda … that all-purpose household cleanser. Is there anything it can’t do? Apparently not, because if you combine it with water to make a paste, you can clean your pool’s tile and grout with it!